Series: Mills Collection

1894 - 1910
Series containing Photographic and Miscellaneous material
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The series contains black and white photographs and negatives showing non-aerial views in and around London.

There are 150 original negatives taken between about 1894 and 1910. The identity of the photographer, who was probably a news photographer, is unknown. Many of the negatives are in poor condition but many of them were copied in the 1960s by a chemist named Mills. These copy negatives and photographs are present in the collection and because they were copied before degradation, they often provide a clearer image.

The images show street scenes, crowds, jubilee celebration, sports events (including W G Grace leading a cricket team and cycle racing), shipbuilding, the Sydenham Crystal Palace, and seaside and beach scenes.

A handlist is available.


This is part of the Collection: AFL03 Aerofilms collection

This Series is divided into 1 Child Record
This Series contains the following materials:
Photograph (Negative): 291
Photograph (Print): 220
Photocopy: 1
Postcard - Unspecified: 1


© Historic England Archive