Series: Aerofilms print albums - colour thumbnail photographs of England

1970 - 2000
Series containing Photographic material
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The series contains 140 ring binders of thumbnail colour photographic prints showing locations in England. Many of them show individual industrial, commercial and public buildings and sites.

These albums contain thumbnail 1.5"x1.5" photographs made from negatives taken by Aerofilms between about 1970 and 2000. They are sometimes stuck onto card, in sleeves, or loose in little paper envelopes. Most prints in the album have a location, date and negative number recorded beside them.

These thumbnails were apparently made for Aerofilms' customers to take away with them for reference. Sometimes there are photocopies in the albums and it is not clear whether these are duplicates or represent missing prints.

A handlist is available.


This is part of the Collection: AFL03 Aerofilms collection

This Series contains the following materials:
Photograph Album: 140


© Historic England Archive