Series: Series of Inn Signs and Village Signs

1971 - 1992
Series containing Photographic material
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A series of one-hundred and sixty-three (163) colour slides showing inn signs and village signs. There are also several photographs of pub and inn exteriors featuring inn signs. Two of the photographs show boundary markers in Nottingham.

Most inn signs are typical hanging signs or boards. A few take the form of figures or statues for example unicorn, white horse, and swan; others are panels affixed to the buildings' exteriors.

Coverage is across England with over 35 counties represented. Counties with higher coverage include Buckinghamshire (13 photographs), Oxfordshire (11), London (9), West Sussex (9), and Worcestershire (9). There are also 9 photographs of inn signs and pubs in Wales.


This is part of the Collection: CHP01 Knicky Chapman Collection

This Series is divided into 163 Child Records
This Series contains the following materials:
Photograph (35mm Slide): 163


© Historic England Archive

People & Organisations

Photographer: Chapman, Dorothy Eileen May


Inn Sign, Village Sign, Boundary Marker, Inn, Public House