Series: Series of 414 files containing contact prints.

1950 - 1970
Series containing Photographic and Textual material
Placeholder image for archive collection
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These files provide the primary means of accessing the collection. When received by the NMR the files contained contact prints, occasional enlarged prints and negatives; the negatives were removed during cataloguing and are now stored separately.

Each file has detailed annotations by Goldman recording his original numbering scheme and technical data. On FL00040 for example, Goldman noted his own number sequence for the contents (C1 - C8), date (month and year), subject information for each image and data relating to camera settings and processing of the film.

Only those images depicting architectural subjects were catalogued to item level. 2445 images of non-architectural subjects were catalogued at file level.

Archival History

The negatives originally housed in the files were removed, re-bagged and stored separately during cataloguing.


This is part of the Collection: GOL01 Laurence Goldman collection

This Series is divided into 414 Child Volumes
This Series contains the following materials:
Photograph (35mm Slide): 6
Photograph (Negative): 6,424
Photograph (Print): 6,979
File: 414


© Historic England Archive

People & Organisations

Photographer: Goldman, Laurence