Volume: RCHME: Coniston Copper Mines, Cumbria

Feb 1995 - Jul 1996
Coniston, South Lakeland, Cumbria
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Coniston, South Lakeland, Cumbria
Coniston, South Lakeland, Cumbria
Coniston, South Lakeland, Cumbria
Coniston, South Lakeland, Cumbria
Coniston, South Lakeland, Cumbria
Blue Quarries, Coniston, South Lakeland, Cumbria
Coniston Copper Mines, Bonsor Vein Mine, Coniston, Coniston Fells, South Lakeland, Cumbria
Volume containing Photographic, Graphic, Electronic and Textual material
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A survey of Coniston Copper Mines was carried out by the Newcastle Office (RCHME) at the request of the Lake District National Park between February 1995 and July 1996.

Contents : 10 plans, 4 overlays, print, 4 reports, 2 notebooks, 7 engravings, computer disk Condition : INTACT


This is part of the Series: RCH01/001 RCHME Archaeological Requests; within the Collection: RCH01 Royal Commission on the Historical Monuments of England (RCHME) Archive

This Volume is divided into 20 Child Records
This Volume contains the following materials:
Photograph (Print): 1
Engraving: 7
Measured Survey: 1
Measured Survey: 10
Overlay: 4
Audio Tape/Cassette: 1
Notebook: 1
Report: 4


© Crown Copyright. Historic England Archive

People & Organisations

Archaeological Field Investigator: Lofthouse, Colin: Royal Commission On The Historical Monuments Of England

Archaeological Field Investigator: Blood, Keith: Royal Commission On The Historical Monuments Of England

Archaeological Field Investigator: Lax, Amy: Royal Commission On The Historical Monuments Of England

Customer: Lake District National Park Authority

Archaeological Field Investigator: Bowden, Mark: Royal Commission On The Historical Monuments Of England

Surveyor: Boyle, Hamish: Oxford University Department For Continuing Education


Post Medieval Aerial Ropeway, Post Medieval Dressing Shed, Post Medieval Adit, Post Medieval Copper Works, Post Medieval Copper Mine, Post Medieval Crushing Mill, Uncertain Clearance Cairn, Post Medieval Inclined Plane, Post Medieval Ore Washing Plant, Post Medieval Mine Shaft, Post Medieval Mill Race, Post Medieval Stilling House, Post Medieval Still House, Post Medieval Spoil Heap, Post Medieval Slate Quarry, Post Medieval Building, Post Medieval Wheel Pit, Post Medieval Washfold, Post Medieval Vermin Trap