Volume: Prittlewell Camp, Essex

Aug 1998
Prittlewell Camp, Southend-On-Sea
Volume containing Graphic and Textual material
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Prittlewell Camp was surveyed in August 1998 by the Cambridge Office of the RCHME at the request of Essex County Council Planning Department and Southend Borough Council. The survey aimed to improve the current definition and understanding of the site and to provide a basis from which to devise a long term management plan.

Contents : Plan, report


This is part of the Series: RCH01/001 RCHME Archaeological Requests; within the Collection: RCH01 Royal Commission on the Historical Monuments of England (RCHME) Archive

This Volume is divided into 3 Child Records
This Volume contains the following materials:
Measured Survey: 2
Report: 1


© Crown Copyright. Historic England Archive

People & Organisations

Archaeological Field Investigator: Garrow, Duncan: Rchme Cambridge

Archaeological Field Investigator: Oswald, Alastair: Rchme Cambridge

Customer: Southend On Sea Borough Council

Archaeological Field Investigator: Brown, Moraig: Rchme Cambridge

Customer: Essex County Council Planning Department

Archaeological Field Investigator: Pattison, Paul: Rchme Cambridge


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