Volume: Society for Photographing Relics of Old London Album - Volume 1

1875 - 1879
Greater London Authority
Volume containing Photographic and Textual material
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Album of 41 pages entitled 'Photographs of Old London, Volume One, Plates 1-36. Taken for the Society for Photographing Relics of Old London by Mr H Dixon 1875 - 1879'. Album contains 36 photographic prints, comprised of 6 Collodion prints and 30 Carbon prints, also 5 pages of text published by SPROL in 1881 giving descriptions and history of the buildings in the photographs. Label inside the front cover of the album indicates that it was originally in the Ministry of Works Library. First 24 photograph were taken by Alfred and John Bool, remainder by Henry Dixon.


This is part of the Collection: SPR01 Society For Photographing Relics Of Old London (SPROL)

This Volume is divided into 41 Child Records
This Volume contains the following materials:
Photograph (Carbon Print): 30
Photograph (Collodion Print): 6
Photograph Album: 1
Published Material: 5


© Historic England Archive