Volume: Cornish Place Works, Cornish Street, Sheffield

27 Nov 1992
Cornish Place Works, Cornish Street, Sheffield
Volume containing Photographic and Textual material
Placeholder image for archive collection
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This is part of the Sub Series: RCH01/002/086 RCHME Architectural Requests: Sheffield; within the Series: RCH01/002 Royal Commission on the Historical Monuments of England: Architectural Requests; within the Collection: RCH01 Royal Commission on the Historical Monuments of England (RCHME) Archive

This Volume is divided into 3 Child Jobs
This Volume contains the following materials:
Photograph (Print): 6
Photograph (Print): 10
File: 1


© Crown Copyright. Historic England Archive

© Historic England Archive

People & Organisations

Photographer: Thomas, Roger

Photographer: Buck, Keith

Photographer: Williams, Peter


Post Medieval Office, Post Medieval Plating Works, Post Medieval Counting House, 20th Century Crucible Furnace, Post Medieval Crucible Furnace, Post Medieval Cutlery Works, 20th Century Garage, Post Medieval Garage, Post Medieval Casting House, 20th Century Office, Post Medieval Stamping Mill, 20th Century Stamping Mill, Post Medieval Showroom, Post Medieval Sheet Metal Works, Post Medieval Polishing Shop, 20th Century Polishing Shop, Post Medieval Storehouse, 20th Century Storehouse, Post Medieval Workshop, 20th Century Workshop, 20th Century Warehouse, Post Medieval Warehouse, Post Medieval Boiler House, 20th Century Boiler House