Volume: Buildings of the Radio Electronics Industry in Chelmsford and Essex

1999 - 2001
Volume containing Photographic and Textual material
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This file contains two reports on the radio electronics industry in Chelmsford and Essex. In November 1998 Essex County Council commissioned RCHME to do a brief assessment survey of the surviving structures relating to the radio electronics industry in Chelmsford. Subsequent to the 1999 RCHME report Essex County Council commissioned a second phase of work to record any remaining Marconi sites in Chelmsford not identified in the first brief and extended to cover the rest of the county. The second report issued by EH in 2001 is a revised and extended version of the report issued in 1999. It contains some revision of the earlier work and descriptive summaries of radio electronics buildings in the remainder of the county.


This is part of the Series: RCH01/056 Cold War Project; within the Collection: RCH01 Royal Commission on the Historical Monuments of England (RCHME) Archive

This Volume is divided into 16 Jobs and 2 Child Records
This Volume contains the following materials:
Photograph (Print): 42
File: 1
Report: 2


© Crown Copyright. Historic England Archive

© Historic England Archive

People & Organisations

Customer: Essex County Council

Archaeological Field Investigator: Cocroft, Wayne

Photographer: Cole, Steve

Architectural Field Investigator: Menuge, Adam


Iron Works, Electronics Factory, Hangar, Car Factory, Electrical Engineering Works, Engineering Works, Airfield, Training College, Research Station, Silk Mill, Social Club, Radio Station, School, Managers House, Office