Volume: Picturing Lockdown Collection: Artists' Submissions - Coralie Datta

Volume containing Electronic material
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The Picturing Lockdown Collection was created during April and May 2020, in response to the Covid-19 pandemic. This group of five images, representing the Yorkshire region, was created by the artist Coralie Datta over the course of five days, to represent her experience of the lockdown. Alongside her submissions, the artist wrote the following to describe her creative approach to the project:

"In the last few weeks, across the world, people have been forced to alter their lives dramatically. Although these changes can be reported as statistics and illustrated by photographs of large empty landmarks, it is most startling to view this change in people's rituals and routines within their homes and local communities.

As a social documentary photographer, I want to tell stories. Like everyone in the UK, my life has become restricted to my local area where I have enjoyed walking and looking as a participant observer. I am fascinated by the ways people have adapted their lives to the restrictions, whether that is moving their office into their garden to get the most of the sun or putting plastic sheets up in their shops.

I live in north Leeds which has a large population of students as well as local people who are together forming a new community during this time as we have been forced to slow down and be more considerate. There is a sense of “we are all in this together” which has meant that people have started to build relationships with their neighbours. This is what I would like to capture in my photographs as I feel that it is not the story being portrayed by the mainstream media."


This is part of the Sub Series: HEC01/036/02 Picturing Lockdown Collection - Artists' Submissions; within the Series: HEC01/036 Picturing Lockdown Collection; within the Collection: HEC01 Historic England

This Volume is divided into 5 Child Records
This Volume contains the following materials:
Photograph (Digital): 5


© Coralie Datta

People & Organisations

Photographer: Datta, Coralie