Volume: Appuldurcombe House, Isle of Wight

1908 - 1999
Appuldurcombe House, Appuldurcombe Road, Godshill, Appuldurcombe Park, Isle Of Wight
Volume containing Photographic, Graphic and Miscellaneous material
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188 sheets of drawings and photographs of Appuldurcombe House and grounds created by English Heritage and its predecessor bodies for the interpretation, management and maintenance of the site.

Dating from 1908 to 1995 coverage includes: Ordnance Survey maps, 1908 and 1938; house and Freemantle Lodge Gateway, 1946; house, 1947; stables, 1954; Great Hall, 1955; site survey, 1960 (photographically reduced 1977); height of walls, 1960; foundations for re-built walls of the north-west pavilion, 1961; marbled floor room, 1961; drainage and water supply, 1964; proposed car park, 1962 and 1964; outbuildings and stables, 1964; ornamental pond, 1967; laundry site, 1960s; roof of the stables, 1969-1970; publication drawings 1971-1974; water pump, 1973; stable block, 1974 and 1979; water supply, 1977; Coach House, 1979; maintenance of the grounds, including planting and landscaping plans, 1980; survey of the house (mainly elevations of the Great Hall, Dining Parlour and Drawing Room), 1982; maintenance of the house, including roofs, windows and shutters, 1982; planting plans as planted January 1983, 1983; paths and driveway as proposed and constructed, 1983 and 1985; main access road, 1980s; new roof for the pavilion and Great Hall, 1984; electrical services, 1985; stable block, 1985; electrical services to the Custodian's Cottage, 1985; by-pass road, 1986; Coach House, 1995; stable block and yard, 1995 - 1996.


This is part of the Series: EHC01/022 English Heritage Plans and Measured Drawings; within the Collection: EHC01 English Heritage(EH):Archive

This Volume is divided into 9 Jobs and 92 Child Records
This Volume contains the following materials:
Photograph (Print): 3
Annotated Map: 1
Location Map/Plan: 4
Map: 6
Measured Drawing: 162
Measured Survey: 7
Sketch: 1
Sketch Plan: 2
Table: 2


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