Volume: Clifton Hall, Clifton, Cumbria

1972 - 1985
Clifton Hall, Clifton, Eden, Cumbria
Volume containing Graphic material
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Eighty sheets, dating from 1972 to 1985. An amended copy of a deed plan from 1972 is the earliest item included. There are a number of plans, elevations, sections and details from 1974 and 1975, and drawings of window remains from 1976. There are also excavation drawings made between 1977 and 1979. From 1979 there are record drawings relating to completed repairs, a site survey, a plan, a reconstruction drawing and a sheet showing surviving windows. From 1980, there are outline proposal drawings and a reproduction plan. Other 1980s sheets include 'as existing' and scheme design drawings, gallery support details and proposed window designs from 1982; an interpretation plan, drawings of windows, joists, a steel grille, a distribution board cover, and proposed weatherproofing and upgrading from 1983; electrical drawings from 1984, and a topographic survey sheet and schemes for a car parking area from 1985.


This is part of the Series: EHC01/022 English Heritage Plans and Measured Drawings; within the Collection: EHC01 English Heritage(EH):Archive

This Volume is divided into 2 Jobs and 62 Child Records
This Volume contains the following materials:
Excavation Plan: 2
Measured Drawing: 75
Measured Survey: 2
Reconstruction Artwork: 1


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