Volume: Wharram Percy, Deserted Medieval Village, Wharram, Yorkshire

1954 - 1997
Wharram Percy Deserted Medieval Village, Wharram, Wharram Percy, Ryedale, North Yorkshire
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St Martin's Church, Wharram, Wharram Percy, Ryedale, North Yorkshire
Volume containing Graphic and Textual material
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Eighty-seven sheets of drawings of the deserted medieval village, St Martin's church, and cottages on the site. There is a copy of a drawing from 1954, but most of the sheets date from between the 1970s and 1990s.

There are several survey drawings of the church from 1971; deed plans from between 1970 and 1972; plans of the northern access to the site from between 1972 and 1973; site plans from 1976; and a topographic survey sheet from 1979.

Also included are several drawings of site thirty, the pond area and dam, dating from between 1977 and 1982; a report from 1984 on trees, hedges and fencing; elevations of a seventeenth century cellar from the eighties; an unidentified photogrammetric survey of the church from the late twentieth or early twenty-first century; site plans for publication; and a photogrammetric survey of the church nave made between 1996 and 1997.


This is part of the Series: EHC01/022 English Heritage Plans and Measured Drawings; within the Collection: EHC01 English Heritage(EH):Archive

This Volume is divided into 2 Jobs and 51 Child Records
This Volume contains the following materials:
Measured Drawing: 36
Measured Survey: 8
Overlay: 2
Photogrammetric Survey: 36
Sketch Plan: 4
Report: 1


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Creator of Archive: Worsley, G L

Creator of Archive: English Heritage

Creator of Archive: Alex Gordon Partnership, Architects And Project Managers

Creator of Archive: Pic North

Creator of Archive: Heslop, S W


Medieval Church, Medieval Deserted Settlement