Apply for Listing
Care about the future of a historic place you know and love? Anyone can recommend a building, site, monument, designed landscape, battlefield or wreck site for inclusion on the National Heritage List for England (NHLE) through our application process, which is explained below.
You can also apply to amend or remove entries from the NHLE, apply for a Certificate of Immunity from Listing, or notify us about a Building Preservation Notice.
How do I get a building or site listed?
Step 1. Check if the building or site is already listed
Find out whether the building or site you are nominating is already on or being assessed for inclusion on the National Heritage List for England:
- Search the National Heritage List for England (try using our map search or advanced search)
- Check with your local Historic England Office to find out whether we’ve already received an application
- Check on Heritage Gateway to see if we have considered it before
Step 2. Make sure that it is eligible
Check that the building or site you are nominating is eligible. We can only take forward applications where the building or site is something capable of being listed, scheduled or registered and it falls under one of the following:
- Threat. It is under serious threat of demolition or major alteration
- Priority. It supports one or more of our current listing priorities
- Potential. It has very strong potential for being listed, scheduled or registered, which can be understood by looking at the following:
Step 3. Create an account
Once you have confirmed that the building or site you are nominating is eligible, you’ll need to set up a Historic England Account(opens in a new window), if you do not already have one. This is quick and easy to do and will allow you to submit as many applications as you like.
Step 4. Gather information about the building or site
Before starting your application, read our checklist to see what information you will need. Get as much information as you can about the building or site before beginning your application.
- Find the address of the building or site (or location information for sites without a postal address, for example, the National Grid Reference (NGR)
- Find out who owns the building or site, including contact details
- Get the details of any current planning applications, permissions or marine consents
- Take photographs of the building as it looks now
- Find photographs, plans and information about the site's history or architectural features, if possible, including old plans or historic photographs
- Create a list of any books, articles, websites or other sources that you used for your research
Step 5. Complete your application
Complete the application form using our step-by-step guidance. You can edit, save and return to your application as often as you want.
The application form can be used regardless of the type of application (listed buildings, scheduled monuments, and so on) and it can also be used to apply for a Certificate of Immunity or to notify us about a Building Preservation Notice.
You can use the same form to ask us to consider amending or removing entries that appear on the National Heritage List for England. Find more information in our De-listing Guidance.
Building Preservation Notices and Certificate of Immunity
Find out how Local Planning Authorities can protect a building at risk by serving a Building Preservation Notice (BPN) and understand how to get clarity about whether a building will be listed through the Certificate of Immunity (COI) process.
Do I need to pay to have somewhere listed?
We offer both a free and a paid-for service. You will be asked which service you would like to choose at the start of the application process.
For more details on our paid-for service, read the Fast-track Listing and Listing Enhancement sections on our Listing Services page.
These are carried out on a cost-recovery basis as part of our Enhanced Advisory Services.
What happens next?
Please read our page on the Listing Process for information on the next steps, including how an application is assessed.
Where can I get advice and support?
Please email the Listing Helpdesk:
You can also contact your Local Historic England Office.
Listing Application Form
Sign in and use the Listing Application Form to apply to have an eligible building, site or monument considered for addition to the National Heritage List for England (NHLE).
You can use the same form to ask us to consider amending or removing entries that appear on the NHLE. Find more information in our De-listing Guidance.
You can also use this form to apply for a Certificate of Immunity (COI) or to consult us about serving a Building Preservation Notice (BPN).
You can return to unfinished applications at any time.
Privacy notice
When you submit an application to Historic England, you will be asked to provide your name and contact details. We will use these details to contact you and keep you informed about the status of your application.
Personal information that you choose to provide in support of your application, including photographs, will be used to maintain a record of the application and to inform our assessment and recommendation. You should not include sensitive personal data within the application.
Information in the application will be shared with the Department for Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) where the Secretary of State is responsible for making the final decision.
We retain a permanent record of all submitted applications, including unsuccessful ones. Applications that are not submitted will be deleted 2 years after the creation date.
Read the Historic England Privacy Policy for more information about how we use and store your personal information.
Freedom of information
Historic England is subject to the Freedom of Information Act 2000 and the Environmental Information Regulations 2004, which provide a general right of access to information we hold.
We may provide information you have supplied in response to a request made under this legislation, subject to any exemptions which apply.