Reasons for Designation
Prehistoric field systems are an unusual survival and contain archaeological and environmental evidence relating to their construction, longevity, the social organisation and land allocation during prehistory, developments in agricultural techniques and crops and set the fields within their landscape context. When re-used during later periods this may be linked to fluctuating climatic changes or other social and economic factors including population pressure. When two such uses overlap the changes and developments in agricultural practices through time may be preserved. The part of a prehistoric field system and medieval strip fields 250m south west of Higher Bartinney survive comparatively well within the area of landscape mainly re-enclosed in the 19th century.
The monument includes part of a prehistoric field system and medieval strip fields, situated on the northern lower slopes of Bartinney Downs. The field system survives as an area of small irregular fields, defined by low banks and lynchets and covers an area of approximately 4ha. Distinct rectilinear fields are visible in this area on aerial photographs. There are also a number of clearance cairns and a few mineral prospecting pits. To the south west are a number of well-preserved medieval strip fields, probably an outfield, which survives as a series of parallel narrow fields divided by low banks which is probably based on a modification of a prehistoric field system. This area is also has a number of mineral prospecting pits.
Sources: HER:-
PastScape Monument No:-421082
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