ST 86 70
(south side)
4/303 Nos. 16 and 18
(Formerly listed as separate items)
GV II Two houses, formerly three, early to mid C18, painted ashlar to front, rubble stone elsewhere, stone-tiled roofs, 'L'-plan. Front range, No 18, is 2-storey and attic with coped west gable, west end stack and rear wall stack to left. Hipped 6-9-6 pane dormer. Main wall with plinth and band, 3 first floor 12-pane sashes in raised moulded surrounds, ground floor 6-panel door with hood on brackets, small 6-pane window to right, 12-pane sash to left, all in unmoulded surrounds. To left, framed plank door to through passage in moulded flush surround with hood on brackets. Rear wall has blocked upper window similar to first floor front. Large stone fireplace on rear wall, left side. Three-storey rear wing, one- window range of painted rubble stone to No 18, 3-window range to No 16. No 18 has flush bead-moulded 3-light windows to each floor,
larger and with flat dripstone to ground floor, moulded dripstone to first floor. Framed plank door to right with hood on brackets. Oval light on rear west wall. No 16 has north end stack, upper floor pair of small 12-pane sashes with blocked window to right, and 2-light and 3-light flush cyma-moulded original windows to first and ground floors, 2-light to left, 3-light to right, both blocked to first floor with inserted central 12-pane sash. Ground floor central 4-panel door with hood on scrolled brackets. Dripcourse over ground floor cut back except over right side window. Rendered and ochre washed south end wall. Rear wall has 2-light recessed ovolo-moulded window to first and second floors. Stone fireplaces to first and second floors, north end.
Listing NGR: ST8639270659
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