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Upton House 07/01/52 GV
Country house, built in 1695 for Sir Rushout Cullen, Bt. Possibly designed by one of the Smiths of Warwick. Possibly altered c.1710. Alterations or additions 1735 for William Bumstead. C19 additions. Remodelled between 1927 and 1929 by Percy Morley Horder for Walter Samuel, second Viscount Bearsted, director of the Shell Transport and Trading Company, philanthropist, art collector and prominent member of the Anglo-Jewish community. Ironstone ashlar; doorcase, attic storey and most of parapet of grey limestone; stone slate hipped roofs; stone ridge stacks with square shafts, string courses and cornices. Double depth plan. Largely symmetrical. two storeys, basement and attic; sixteen window range. Entrance front of 4:1:2:3:2:1:3 bays. Renewed sashes throughout have thick glazing bars, eighteen-pane on ground floor, fifteen-pane on first floor, most in bolection moulded architraves with keystones. One bay ranges have twenty four- and twenty-pane sashes. Leaded two-light roof dormers with moulded cornices. Centre and two bay ranges have moulded plinth, sill courses stepped up between windows, moulded string course, and cornice. Recessed centre has full-width steps. Central entrance, probably of 1735, has moulded architrave with large keystone, Tuscan half-columns and dosserets with triglyphs, and pediment. Fielded four-panelled door, with panel above. Early C18 attic storey and broken segmental pediment has moulded round arched window with large keystone breaking into pediment. Shaped sunk panels to left and right. Projecting two bay ranges, have rusticated alternating quoins. Two-light mullioned basement windows. Reused lead rainwater heads and pipes dated 1735 have initials and coat of arms of William Bumstead. Central segmental pedimented roof dormers. One bay ranges, largely of 1927-1929, have central roof dormers. Cornices and parapets with balustrading above each bay. Four bay range to left has stone lintels with keystones to all openings. Subsidiary entrance in third bay has second lintel and moulded six-panelled door. Four bay and three bay ranges have unpainted moulded wood eaves cornice and roof dormers. Attached outbuildings to left include one storey and attic kitchen wing and coach house with gable clock and octagonal lantern. Basement picture gallery attached on right. Garden front of 1:2:9:2:1 bays. Mostly eighteen-pane sashes with fifteen-pane on first floor. Basement has two-light mullioned windows with hood moulds. Recessed centre has tall narrow central entrance of 1695. Grey limestone moulded architrave, panelled pilaster strips, entablature and segmental pediment. Splayed steps with wrought iron balustrades of c.1695. Projecting two bay wings have rusticated alternating quoins. Wide one bay ranges have broad canted bays with twenty four- and twenty-pane sashes. Lower part C19, raised and remodelled 1927-1929. Basements have segmental arched windows with keystones. First floor has small flanking windows. Unpainted moulded wood eaves cornice and roof dormers throughout. Lead rainwater heads dated 1695 have initials of Sir Rushout Cullen. Interior remodelled. Entrance hall has open well staircase of reused twisted balusters with leaf bulbs. Early C18 stone chimney piece has overmantel with panel, volutes and open pediment. Dining Room has early C18 marble chimney piece with bulging Ionic pilasters. C16 moulded four-centred arched doorway in basement. Listing NGR: SP3697045693
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Books and journals Jackson Stops, G, Upton House Warwickshire Pevsner, N, Wedgwood, A, The Buildings of England: Warwickshire, (1966), 439 'Upton House, Warwickshire' in Architectural Review, , Vol. 69, (April 1931), 125-131 'Country Life' in 10 September, , Vol. 16, (1904) 'Country Life' in 12 September, , Vol. 46, (1936) 'Country Life' in 5 September, (1936)Other Register of Parks and Gardens of Special Historic Interest in England, Part 42 Warwickshire,
This building is listed under the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 as amended for its special architectural or historic interest.
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