1852 (North Side)
Brook House
TM 2748 3/88 25.1.51 II* 2.
Date on wind vane 1674 at which time considerable alterations and
additions were made, but the building is essentially of latter half
C16 2 storey and attic. flipped wing, left, probably C17. Original
plan appears to have been E type, with projecting blocks at rear now
extended on left and right with later buildings. 4 mullion transom
3-light dormers with arched transoms to centre lights, and formerly
leaded. Timber framed, plastered, with "V" jointed. rusticated quoins
on right and to re-entrant angle of front wing. Brick plinth. Bracket
cornice. Tile roof. Central stack of 4 octagonal detached shafts on
moulded brick bases; original caps partly missing. Main entrance at
side of front wing, with 6-panel door, architrave, overhanging frieze,
consoles and pediment. Central door, 6-panel, architrave, quasi-pediment
on carved brackets. 5 windows, including advanced wing, mullion transom
casements, modern glazing. shallow. bow windows, ground floor, and C18
lead rainwater head. One blocked C16 window, and 1 or 2 early doors. Oak stair and panelled room C17 with some bolection moulded mantels. Brook House shall be amended to read No 36 (Brook House) ------------------------------------ 1. CUMBERLAND STREET
(North Side
Brook House
TM 274 3/88 25.1.51. II* 2.
Date on wind vane 1674 at which time considerable alterations and
additions were made, but the building is essentially of latter half
C16. 2 storey and attic. Hipped wing, left, probably C17. Original
plan appears to have been E type, with projecting blocks at rear now
extended on left and right with later buildings. 4 mullion transom
3-light dormers with arched transoms to centre lights, and formerly
leaded. Timber framed, plastered, with "V" jointed rusticated quoins
on right and to re-entrant angle of front wing. Brick Plinth. Bracket
cornice. Tile roof. Central stack of 4 octagonal detached shafts on
moulded brink bases, original caps partly missing. Main entrance at
side of front wing, with 6-panel door, architrave, overhanging frieze,
consoles and pediment, Central door, 6-panel, architrave, quasi-pediment
on carved brackets. 5 windows, including advanced wing, mullion transom
casements, modern glazing. 2 shallow bow windows, ground floor, and C18
lead rainwater head. One blocked C16 window, and 1 or 2 early doors.
Oak stair and panelled room C17 with some bolection moulded mantels.
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