1/8 Oak Tree Farm House
-- II Farmhouse. C17 origins, raised and cased in C18, part rebuilt, refronted and
extended in early C19 for H. Walton. Timber frame to core, red brick casing,
white brick refronting and rebuilding, some plastered late timber frame to
rear. Slate roof with pantiles to rear. 3 bays with a parallel 2-bay block
added to rear. 2 storeys, Ground floor: offset plinth, central entrance with
recessed, half glazed door, reeded architrave with a relief panel of a stag,
outer pilasters with shaped brackets to a pedimental hood, flanking large
recessed tripartite pseudo sashes fixed with casement panes, reeded
architraves, gauged brick flat arched heads. First floor glazing bar sashes,
that to left pseudo as on ground floor. Windows in left bay are interrupted
by floors as original storey heights are retained. Coved eaves. Coped gable
parapets with kneelers. Right end external stack with offsets, all white
brick. Left end all C18 red brick, tumbled in brickwork, dentilled plat band,
pilaster strips, internal stack with white brick capping, ground floor
pantiled lean-to outshut. To rear left an early 1 storey and attic
colourwashed brick lean-to with an entrance and a segmental headed casement
under an open porch, catslide roof. 2 bay block to rear centre and right is
brick on ground floor and timber frame on first floor, all plastered, mixed
casements an external stack and lean-to outshut to rear, pantiled roof.
Interior: entrance straight onto early C19 dogleg staircase with slat
balusters, floor has a cross axial chamfered binding beam. Home of H. Walton,
painter, b.1745, d.1813. (Davy's British Museum Add. MS, 19218).
Listing NGR: TM0767576399
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