(South Side) 6/60 The Old Hall
(Formerly listed as
22.2.55 The Friary) - II House, including former service range to north, now divided into dwelling units.
Range of 1713 (on rainwater head) with later C18 - C20 additions and alterations.
Slid C19 conventual ranges and chapel not of special interest. Service range
probably C17. 1713 house for Joseph Chaplain. White brick with red brick dressings.
Red brick later C18 addition, part lime washed. Plain tile and slate roofs. 1713
range of 3 storeys, 7 bays with single-storey C18 addition to south, raised to 3
storeys early C20, 2-storey C18 range to north, raised to 3 storeys C19. Extensive
conventual buildings to north incorporating earlier service range. 1713 house,
west front: outer bays recessed. Plinth, quoins. Later Ionic porch with dentilled
pediment. 6-panel door with patterned fanlight in panelled reveal. 18-pane sashes
in architraves with aprons. Gauged brick flat arches and jambs in red brick. Floor
bands. Similar first floor windows and 12-pane sashes to second floor. Moulded
cornice and parapet. Recessed bays to each side with similar detailing, that to
right has rainwater tread dated 1713 JCM. East front: 5-bay range with 6th bay
brought forward at right, similar detailing to west front but no porch. Library
range to left originally single-storey has 3 tall 15-pane sashes with cambered
gauged brick arches. C20 addition above, bowed front to south altered and raised
at the same time. To right, an originally 2-storey range with sashes with glazing
bars, some replaced by casements. Second floor band with later addition above.
Interior: 1713 range has staircase hall with panelling retaining fine dogleg stair-
case with 3 twisted balusters per tread, carved tread ends, Corinthian newels and
ramped moulded handrail. Panelled dado follows line of stair. Staircase window
in pedimented surround. First floor has two fully panelled rooms with original
doors and window shutters. Remains of original panelling elsewhere with dentilled
cornices and doorcases. Library range retains decorative scheme with dentil and
modillion cornice and plasterwork ceiling. Service range to north: C19 encasing
of earlier timber-framed structure which may relate to the original hall; red brick
in Flemish bond with plain tile roof; sashes with flat gauged brick arches, (some
later windows); iron tie bar ends; hipped roof. Interior much altered, but shows
remains of frame with stout scantlings. Posts with large chamfered knees with iron
bolts, one tie beam and other beams. Double span roof of butt purlin
construction, much altered, with former window concealed beneath present roof.
Old Hall was the principal manor of East Bergholt. It was acquired in 1701 by
Joseph Chaplain, wine cooper and High Sheriff of Suffolk, who built the house to
replace an earlier structure. The painting of the house by John Constable was
commissioned by the owner, John Reade, in 1801. The house became a Benedictine
nunnery in 1856, at which time the conventual ranges were added.
'An Unknown Constable' The Connoisseur Dec 1956 p 249.
Listing NGR: TM0710534362
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This building is listed under the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 as amended for its special architectural or historic interest.
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