TM 1245 and TM 1244
5/36 and 6/36 SPROUGHTON
Church Close, Nos 1-4, (formerly listed as Church Close) 22.2.55 GV
House, formerly the Old Rectory, divided into four houses and flats 1961. Late C15, C17, c1836. Timber framed,rendered, lined as ashlar, brick, some colourwashed, plain tile roofs. Complex plan, gable to road. A long range, of late C15 end jettied range and jettied crosswing, C17 range, with early C19 wing at right angles, and wing to rear of c1836, partially on line with medieval crosswing. One and a half, two and two and a half storeys, cellars. Late C15 range. Three first floor leaded casements. Brick porch in Flemish bond, painted, parapet of c1836 reuses c1500 carved spandrels in arch. C20 door. Blocked doorway to left. Crosswing. Horned sash, and C19 door reset from rear of house, replacing C19 window. First floor three-light timber casement. C17 range. One and a half and two storeys, timber framed, encased in brick, rendered and lined as ashlar. Scattered fenestration of C19 and C20 casements and one horned sash. Three half-dormers with casements beneath carved bargeboards. One leaded casement. Two C20 doors, that to right beneath porch incorporating cusped brattishing in the gable, carved spandrels and tall octagonal crown post with moulded cap and base and two braces, probably from the earlier range and set up c1836. Painted brick two storey range to right, of scattered fenestration. Axial stacks of grouped polygonal shafts with moulded caps mostly C19 and later, including one between hall and crosswing, one to left of C17 range, one inserted in jettied roadside gable. Rear: two first floor leaded casements, one an C18 cross casement, one as those to front.1836 brick wing, two storeys. Three first floor leaded casements one probably early C18, reset. Interior: late C15 range of two unequal bays, crosswing of two or three curtailed bays (now part of No 2). Mutilated crown post roof with one octagonal post with embattled cap, and longitudinal braces. Crosswing. Open truss with renewed braces, probably renewed c1836. 1836 stair of stick balusters, wreathed handrail, turned newel. Two six-panel doors with egg and dart moulding to raised and fielded panels. Cellar beneath crosswing and 1836 wing said to have early brickwork. Roof not inspected but described from photograph. Listing NGR: TM1254144987
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