SP8870 (North side)
14/135 Harrowden Hall (Wellingborough
28/05/54 Golf Club)
(Formerly listed as Harrowden
Hall (including garden walls,
gatepiers and gates)) GV I Country house, now club house. Probably C15 origins but almost entirely early
C18; dated rainwater head 1719. Possibly by Francis Smith for Thomas
Wentworth-Watson. Limestone ashlar with copper roof. Double-pile plan. 2 and 3
storeys. Entrance front of 11-window range with centre 5 bays breaking forward,
flanking bays are 2 storeys only. Central, double, 6-panel doors have moulded
stone surround with a cornice over. Sash windows throughout reducing at second
floor; all with glazing bars, moulded stone architraves and aprons below sills.
Flat string courses between floors. Rusticated quoins at corners. Moulded stone
cornice with lead parapet above. Shallow pitched roofs are not visible. Panelled
ashlar stacks at ends with moulded stone cornices. Side elevations to left and
right of entrance front also has sashes. Garden front is similar of 11-window
range with centre 5 bays making only a shallow break with the flanking bays.
Central part-glazed doors have semi-circular flight of steps. Interior: entrance
hall, office, ladies cloakroom and parts of rooms to garden front have C18
fielded panelling with matching doors. Entrance hall has marble fireplace with
heraldic overmantle. C18 main staircase with quarter landings, around an open
well, has 3 turned and fluted balustrades per tread. Wall paintings to staircase
walls are attributed to Lanscroon in the style of Verrio. First floor Vaux room
and rooms to garden front at first and second floor have C18 fielded panelling
with matching doors and some bolection moulded fireplace surrounds. Evidence of
earlier house in cellars. Forms part of group with cottages, shop, changing
rooms and ancillary buildings, Harrowden Hall, and attached gatepier (q.v.) and
part of a formal layout with gates, gatepiers, railings, walls and attached
summer house extending to approx. 300m. north, south, east and west of Harrowden
Hall (q.v.), statues approx. 30m. north-east (q.v.) and south-east (q.v.) and
60m. south-east (q.v.), statue base approx. 60m. north-east (q.v.), and steps
approx. 10m. east (q.v.) and gates, gatepiers and railings approx. 300m. east of
Harrowden Hall (q.v.). The gardens and park are included in the HBMC County
Register of Gardens at Grade II*.
(Buildings of England: Northamptonshire, p.234; Country Life, Vol.XXIV, p.910.
Halls and Manor Houses of Northamptonshire by J.A. Gotch, p.61).
Listing NGR: SP8819470855
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Books and journals Gotch, J A, The Old Halls and Manor Houses of Northamptonshire, (1936), 61 Pevsner, N, Cherry, B, The Buildings of England: Northamptonshire, (1973), 234 'Country Life' in Country Life, , Vol. 24, (), 910
This building is listed under the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 as amended for its special architectural or historic interest.
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