TQ 13 NW
28.09.87 EWHURST
Hillhouse Farm House
II Hall house, Probably second half C15; floor inserted 2nd half C16; floor raised, parlour and chamber bay added replacing north end, hall roof rebuilt, two large chimneys and cellar built late C16/early C17; late-C17/early-C18 wing to rear of parlour rebuilt; C18 and C19 alterations and late-C19 addition to front right; C20 alterations and additions. Timber framed with wattle and daub infill clad in brown brick below, brick to right, galleted sandstone in right-hand return front, tile hanging in fishscale pattern to first floor of left-hand wing and Horsham slab roofs to centre and left, plain tiled roof to right. H-shaped plan with recessed centre range and wing extending to rear left. One storey and attic under gabled dormer, two-storey ends. Left-hand cross-wing underbuilt on ground floor. Massive 4-flue stack inserted to left of centre. One window to each floor of each gable, most windows of late-C17/early-C18 type with metal casements, horizontal saddle-bars and leaded glazing in wood frames. Door to right of centre. Further door to left end in dilapidated laate-C19 flat-roofed porch. Further leaded and mixed fenestration to rear and wing and fine chimney with two diagonally-set stacks to rear of wing. Interior: stone flags and brick paving to ground floor; old floorboards and joists above; board doors throughout. Former hall range: partition wall between former hall and parlour retains large arch braces from wall-posts to tie-beam. Large fireplace with later bread-oven and copper; brick sink. Former dairy at south end has wooden shelves and one surviving window shutter; low-ceilinged adjacent store. Wooden winder stair. Roof has some re-used smoke-blackened rafters; coupled rafters, clasped through purlins, straight wind-braces. Wing: in parlour, inglenook fireplace with chamfered bressumer, side benches, wall-cupboard and smoking chamber in chimney; wall bench; large-scantling chamfered cross-beam with stepped cyma stops. Summer dairy and store room. End (east) room has higher floor over cellar. Stair with some turned balusters. Parlour chamber: fireplace has wooden lintel carved with round-headed fluting and flower and foliate spandrels to 4-centred arch; evidence for former display window on north side. Roof has raking queen posts on tie-beams, coupled rafters and clasped purlins. In roof over parlour chamber is re-used head of former display window. P Gray & K Coutin, Report on Hillhouse Farm, Ewhurst, Surrey, June 1996.
D Martin & B Martin, A brief archaeological interpretative survey of Hillhouse Farm, Ewhurst, Surrey (Archaeology South-east, Institute of Archaeology, University College London, 1998). Listing NGR: TQ1025836951
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