1/1 Church of St James 4.2.58 GV II* Anglican Parish Church. C13 origin, modified early C14 and in C15, restored in 1842 and 1909. Ham stone and local lias
stone rubble, Ham ashlar dressings; Welsh slate roofs with stone slate base course, coped gables to all but west end of
nave, which is plain; simple stone bell turret with 2 bells at west end. Three-cell plan of 2-bay chancel, of C13 and
C14, 3-bay nave of later C14. South transept/organ chamber of 1909: north vestry, probably of 1842, and south porch,
dated 1731. Chancel has chamfered plinth, eaves course, angled corner buttresses. East window 3-light Y-tracery
probably early C19, set in hollowed recess without label. On north a single-light cinquefoil cusped window without
label. To south a smaller similar light towards west, and a 2-light trefoil-cusped window to east, both without labels,
and between them a narrow, chamfered cambered-arched doorway. South transept has a 2-light reticulated window in south
wall, with external ferramenta. In north-east corner a splayed adjunct with boarded door under simple leaded fanlight
with matching sidelight, under flat roof. Porch abuts transept, with coped gable with cross finial, and date plaque
inscribed 'TS/CHW/1731' in an ovolo-mould panel, simple pointed archway with label and small light in west wall. Inside
are bench seats and simple inner doorway. Nave has angled corner buttresses to west gable. No window on south side, the
west window a 2-light, late C14/early C15 traceried with square-stop label, and with 2 deep putlog holes in wall
alongside. North wall has 2 C18 windows of 3 lights, 4-centre-arched lights with carved spandrils set into
square-arched wave-mould recesses without labels. Projecting vestry with similar 2-light window, but with
3-centre-arched heads to lights, with doorway in east side. Inside, chancel has arch-braced collar-truss roof renewed
in 1909. Simple fittings mostly C19. Panelled chancel arch of C15 to almost full width of nave; semi-circular arch into
splay, and elliptical arch into transept. Arch braced collar truss nave roof. Nave furniture of C19 and C20, the pews
of 1909-1935. Traces of painting on chancel arch, and also sockets for the rood screen. The two bells by Thomas Bilbie
II, of 1782. (VCH Somerset, Vol IV, 1978).
Listing NGR: ST3897111087
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Books and journals Page, W, The Victoria History of the County of Somerset, (1978)
This building is listed under the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 as amended for its special architectural or historic interest.
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