6/141 No 4
(Lamb Cottage)
(formerly listed as House 70yds,
W of Methodist Chapel)
19.4.61 GV II Detached cottage. Probably early C18. Ham stone near-ashlar facade, coursed rubble to sides and rear; thatched roof
with coped west gable, half-hipped to east; brick chimney stacks. Two storeys, 3 bays. Hollow-chamfered mullioned
windows in chamfered recesses, except lower bay 1 which has a wave-mould recess; 3-light upper bay 3, 4-light lower
bays 1 and 3, both with individual labels, but in bay 1 the mullions adapted, and removed from bay 3; to upper bays 1
and 2 early pattern casement windows with vertical iron bars internally and rectangular-leaded lights, 3-light bay 1
and 2-light bay 2: to lower bay 2 a cambered-arched doorway in rectangular recess with incised spandrils, no label,
with boarded door on moulded frame set in recess, up 5 steps. Raked buttress to south-east corner, possibly a relic of
a demolished building: in east gable, which is rendered, are C20 metal windows, rectangular leaded; outshut to rear. To
west gable a long office building, possibly in separate ownership, and not of special interest. Interior not seen, but
reported is a 2-room cross passage plan formerly, with 2 ceiling beams chamfered with runout steps but little else of
interest; collar beam roof trusses (VAG Report, unpublished SRO, February 1974).
Listing NGR: ST4310817033
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Books and journals 'Vernacular Architecture Group Report' in February, (1974)
This building is listed under the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 as amended for its special architectural or historic interest.
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