10/6 Brympton House or Brympton
Country House. C13 origins, now mostly C15, early C16, late C17 and early C18. Has stone ashlar; hipped Welsh slate
roofs behind parapets, with open bell-turret at west end of south wing; stone chimney stack. West front of 2 and 3
storeys, 6 bays. Bays 1 and 2 of 3 storeys, c1520: plinth, deep quatrefoil band between upper floors with additional
carvings, another shallower band under battlemented parapet, corner buttress 2 floors high, with pinnacle and statue
over; 4-centre-arched light hollow-chamfer mullioned windows in chamfered recesses; bay 1 has an angled bay of 1+5+1
lights, simple to first floor, transomed to second, with small 3-light to ground floor and cambered arched doorway to
left: bay 2 an octagonal stair turret to match, with windows at various levels. Bays 3, 4 and 5 possibly a refront of
c1625 with later porch, 2 storeys; hollow- chamfered windows with flat-headed lighths, 2-light with transomes above,
and 4-light with 2 transomes below; to lower bay 4 a projecting porch added c1722, but matching bays 1 & 2 and possibly
incorporating earlier fragments, 4-light transoned windows to sides, single-light to each corner chamfer, 5-light to
front with oqee decoration to 4-centre-arched doorway over 3-lights, with panelled and battlemented parapet and hipped
stone roof: bay six gabled 2-storey, possibly c1695 reshaping of C14 section, with 18-pane sash window in architrave
with open segmental pediment to first floor, plain below. South elevation a rebuild of c1675: 3 + 10 bays, the first 3
bays set lower and possibly reshaped C14 work; these have plinth, battlemented parapets, buttresses one floor high;
sash windows in place of mullioned windows, 3 of 18 panes above and 21 panes below, with 2 windows lower bay 1 and
French door bay 3: reaminder has plinth, cornice, with open balustrade of turned stone balusters, and urns on plinths
to corners and between each bay; cruciform windows with ovolo-mould mullions and transomes in eared architraves with
alternate pointed and segmental pediments on console brackets over, starting with angled pediment upper bay 1 and
segmental pediment lower bay 1: one cruciform window at ground level on east return. North elevation has cruciform
windows at various levels, with attic gables and a modest doorway towards east end. North-east kitchen wing set lower,
with 3 bays of 3, 2 and 3-light mullioned and double transomed windows with doorway having architrave and hoodmould
between bays 2 and 3, south side; north side has octagonal stair turret with bell-tower. Inside, the porch opens into
the hall, with moulded timber ceiling caving, wainscot panelling including such early work, and on east wall a C16
cambered arched fireplace with C18 overmantel carving: small rooms in unit to north: the main south wing features a
corridor on north side with a wide, long and easy-going staircase, late C17, with quarter landings and two intermediate
landings, panelled newels with elaborate tops, turned balusters and heavy handrail, under which is panelling of
uncertain date; moulded triangular arched doorways to south and east, also later door with eared stone architrave, now
blocked. The Smoke Room, has C18 panelling, dentilled cornice, window shutters; the Hogarth room, similar but with
bolection-mould corner fireplace, and carved timber swags to wall panelling, shell-head cupboard: the Blue room has
more elaborate panelling and ceiling coving, with large oval ceiling panel and coloured marble chimney piece; the
drawing room similar with similar ceiling coving but smaller panels to walls; First floor landing C18 in character, but
with hints of earlier work: bedrooms and kitchen wing not seen. (Country Life, 26.ll.1898, 30.11.1907, and 7 and
14.5.1927; Pevsner, Buildings of England, South and West Somerset, 1958; Clive-Ponsonby-Fane, C: Bryapton D'Evercy,
Listing NGR: ST5197715421