LANGALLER 6/87 The Manor House
II Farmhouse. Late medieval, C17, subsequently walls raised and dwelling reroofed, altered mid C20. Rendered over rubble,
steeply pitched triple Roman tiled roof, decorative ridge tiles lower independently roofed wing right with pantiles,
brick stacks gable ends of main block and to left of cross passage. Plan: thought to be open hall house subsequently
ceiled to 3 cell and cross passage, outshot at rear, internally altered C20, agricultural wing right. Two storeys, 4:1
bays, C20 3-light casements without glazing bars in main block, C20 2-light casements in addition, entrance third bay
left of main block, flat roofed Ionic porch with moulded cornice, C20 studded door with bull's eye glass. Raking
buttress to left return, circular pigeon hole openings in right gable end. Interior not seen, said to contain in 2
rooms left of cross passage, chamfered axial beams with scroll stops, massive moulded stone lintel to left gable end
fireplace chamfered lateral beams right in C17 kitchen with remains of very large fireplace, lintel renewed; the main
interest of the house is the survival of much of the earlier blackened jointed cruck roof below the present roof,
though much of the detail is concealed (VAG Report, unpublished SRO, October 1979).
Listing NGR: ST2683526813
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Books and journals 'Vernacular Architecture Group Report' in October, (1979)
This building is listed under the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 as amended for its special architectural or historic interest.
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