TF 05 NE and BLOXHOLM (south side)
Home Farmhouse
- II
Farmhouse. Early C18, early C19 with C20 alterations. Coursed limestone rubble,
with ashlar and brick dressings. Plain tile roofs, with ashlar coped gables.
A sinlge brick gable stack, and a single brick ridge stack with four octagonal
shafts. Brick dentilated eaves and ashlar quoins. 2 storey plus attic. West
entrance front, 3 bays with central C19 white brick, gabled porch, with ashlar
coping and a 4 centred arched doorway. Flanked by single glazing bar sashes,
with above 3 glazing bar sashes. Above again 2 gabled dormers each with a 2
light, glazing bar sliding sash. To the south a projecting, lower 2 storey
wing, with a half glazed door, then a tripartite sash, then another half glazed
door, and beyond a smaller plain sash all with timber lintels. Above a 2 light
glazing bar, sliding sash, and a gabled dormer with plain casements. The east
front has to the north a pair of glazed double doors, then a small plain sash,
then a glazing bar sash and beyond a half glazed door, all with segment brick
lintels. Above 2 glazing bar sashes with flat brick heads. To the south a
single storey wing with a pair of large glazing bar, double doors, and on the
east gable front a 2 light casement with a 2 light glazing bar, sliding sash.
The gabled street front has 2 glazing bar sashes, with above a round headed
sliding sash, and above in the gable a small circular window. Interior has
original beams and roof timbers.
Listing NGR: TF0506255215
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