TM 07 NW
1/118 Broomhills (formerly
15.11.54 listed as Broom Hills)
GV 11*
Large house, formerly Dower House of Redgrave Hall (demolished). c.1700
probably for Sir J. Holt, extended C19. Red brick with vitrified headers,
plastered timber frame to rear. Clay lump and red brick additions. Steeply
pitched plaintiled roofs with pantiles to rear. 7 bay front range with
original stair bay and 2 service additions to rear. 2 storeys and attic.
Vitrified headers to most of symmetrical facade with red brick bands around
openings: central entrance with glazed doors, lugged architrave with an early
C19 pseudo-Doric pedimented entablature; glazing bar cross casements, part
opening metal frames, gauged brick flat arched heads, first floor central
blind window; offset plinth, plat band, boxed eaves, 3 gabled 2-light dormers.
Internal end stacks with an internal cross axial stack between hall and
parlour to right of centre. Moulded kneelers to coped gable end parapets,
continued plat bands, right end has 2 small attic lights with gauged brick
flat arched heads, left end has 2 small first floor leaded lights with gauged
brick flat arched heads. Original stair wing to rear centre has irregular
fenestration, hipped roof. To rear right is rendered clay lump service wing,
4 bays, 2 storeys, mixed sashes and casements, a half glazed door towards
front on outer elevation, an entrance on inner elevation, 2 ridge stacks. To
rear left projecting beyond end of main range is 2 bay brick kitchen addition,
a lean-to to front angle with an entrance, mixed casements and a tripartite
sash, gable end coped parapets, central ridge stack, a lean-to to rear.
Interior: large through tension bracing in rear wall, parlour has a chamfered
axial binding beam, C18 raised panelling reset from Pond Hall, Botesdale (not
listed) with box cornices, a fireplace with an egg and dart lugged architrave,
flanking cupboards with key blocked round arched heads; stop chamfered cross
axial binding beams, C19 dogleg staircase in original stair bay with stop
chamfered wallplates. Staggered tenoned purlin roof with collars to
principals. (East Anglian Miscellany, 1926, pp.54-56).
Listing NGR: TM0408776410
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Books and journals East Anglian Miscellany, (1926), 54-56
This building is listed under the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 as amended for its special architectural or historic interest.
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