This list entry was subject to a Minor Amendment on 16/04/2020 TM 0475
THE STREET (north west side)
Bell Hill House GV
House with shop, latterly two dwellings. Mid C16, extended early C17. Late C17 and c.1900 altered C20. Timber frame, plastered with some red brick to rear. Steeply pitched plaintiled roofs with some pantiles to rear. Originally a small two bay storeyed house with solar over hall, no traces survive of presumed external smoke hood and service lean-to; extended to left with a large stack and a two bay parlour, two later service bays added to right, further additions to rear. Two storeys with an attic in added parlour. C16 core is gable fronted to right of centre with a ground floor C20 four-light casement and a first floor two-light casement, added stack bay to left has a taller ridge at right angles with large tapering chimney breast rising in front of ridge, broached and roll moulded to four conjoined hexagonal shafts. Gable fronted parlour further left: ground floor entrance to left with a raised six panelled door, C19 doorcase with a bracketed hood, C20 four-light bow window, slightly first floor, two- light casements, pentice board, C19 brackets to exposed plates, gabled dormer on outer return. Left end lean-to outshut is a surviving fragment of an originally separate C16 building. Attached to right of C16 core is two bay late C17 service addition with shop: ground floor early C19 bowed shop front with a central two-thirds glazed door, flanking twelve-light windows, panelled jambs and a fascia board, first floor two-light glazing bar casements, attached to rear a one storey C17 service outbuilding. To rear C16 core has a gableted half hipped roof, two casements in attic. Attached to rear of parlour is a c.1900 red brick bay with an extruded stack on outer return, pantiled roof, gable to rear with an oculus in attic. Behind C16 core and stack bay are lean-to additions with an extruded stack. Interior: hall has mortices for arched braces to a stop chamfered cross axial binding beam, stop chamfered joists including a trimmer for original stairs to rear, close studding with a large tension brace to rear, rebated corner posts. Solar has semi-octagonal shafts on open truss posts, four-centred arched braces springing just below plate level to a raised tie beam tenoned into principals, a short square crown post with arched braces to collar purlin which has a splayed scarf joint with under squinted abutments, to front a crown post, to rear a tie beam at plate level with queen posts, arched braces to plates/purlins opposite ends of which rest on open truss raised tie beam, from rear truss collar an angled strut in half hip with an arched brace to collar purlin; also in solar a small C17 cupboard. C17 chamfered four-centred arched fireplaces, parlour ovolo moulded cross axial binding beam, stairs behind stack; parlour chamber close studding, two-light ovolo mullioned window openings originally flanked a larger window, arched braces to tie beams, a bar stop chamfered axial binding beam; original attic with a butt purlin roof, collars to principals, two set diagonally to allow access. Service addition through tension bracing, a jewel stop chamfered cross axial binding beam. C16 lean-to to left has reverse curved arched bracing.
Listing NGR: TM0465275737
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