TQ 75 SE (North-West side) 1/54 Elm House and
23.5.67 railings attached GV II* House. Early C17, with early C18 front range and later additions and
alterations to rear. Central range timber framed, with mathematical tiles on
galleted stone base to gable ends. Front range greyish-red brick, with
lighter red brick dressings and "chainâge". Rear range rendered, but with
area of stonework towards right end. Plain tile roof. Early C17 central
range of 3 timber-framed bays, with single-bay rear return wing to right, and
possibly with further section at right-angles to right of wing. Early C18
range to front (forming 2 parallel ranges), comprising one room on ground
floor, with entrance hall to right end. Later section infilling angle
between central range and its rear wing, forming rear range. 2 storeys,
attics and cellar, with stone plinth to gable ends. Front C18 elevation
flanked by Giant order of Doric pilasters with rubbed brick capitals and
bases. Moulded and dentilled wooden eaves cornice. Stone-coped brick
parapet with sunk panels. Hipped roof to front range. Steeply-pitched
hipped roof to central range, left hip returning to rear infill. Stack with
cogged cornice between front and central ranges towards left end. 2 flat-
roofed dormers. Regular 5-window front to each floor of front range, of
slightly-recessed 8-pane sashes with splayed rubbed brick voussoirs and
with central voussoirs dropped to suggest keystones. Outer and central
windows, and outer windows of ground floor also have cut ogee heads.
Sunk brick panels beneath ground and first-floor windows, the first-floor
panels with delicately-moulded brick strip to their bases. Single-storey
brick section to right, possibly an addition, with plain parapet above plat
band, concealed lean-to roof, and doubly-recessed round-headed door
architrave with rubbed brick voussoirs and plain stone imposts; ribbed door
with panelled back and decorative semi-circular fanlight. Longer single-
storey section to right gable end of rear range, possibly connected with
former rear wing of central range, now roofed in 2 sections, with half-hip
to right end. Interior: central range with jowled posts, tension braces,
and clasped purlin roof with windbraces and diminishing principal rafters.
Corner stack to central bay. Some exposed framing to rear wing. Open-well front
staircase with barley-sugar balusters, moulded handrail, and ramped
panelling to wall side. Hall paved with black and white flags. Fielded
panelling and moulded cornice to left ground-floor room. Moulded cornice to
first floor (formerly one long room). Well head: set within about 1/2 metre of
right gable end. 2 posts with plain-tiled pentice over, with 2 wooden drums
between them, connected by cogging to large iron hand wheel on one of posts.
Railings: spear-head railings set on low red brick plinth across front of
house, and connected to right gable end by red brick wall.
Listing NGR: TQ7742051149
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