HARBY North Side,
SK 7431-7531 Church of St Mary the
41/18 Virgin
1.1.68 GV II* Church. C13-late C15, restored 1874. Vestry added 1903. Coursed squared
ironstone with limestone dressings and lead roofs. Chancel, vestry, aisled
nave, S porch and W tower. 2-bay chancel has 3-light E window with flowing
tracery, hood mould and label stops, 2-light windows to N with ogee-arched
heads to lights and 3-light window to S with cinquefoiled ogee-arched heads
to lights, 4-centred heads, all with hood moulds. Vestry continues S aisle
and overlaps 1 bay of chancel and has 2-light E window, datestone to left of
window and door to S. Nave has 4-window clerestory of 2-light windows with
cinquefoiled heads to lights, 4-centred heads to hood moulds. N aisle has
3-light windows to E & W ends with round trefoil-headed lights, 4-centred
head and hood moulds. 2-light window to NE with cinquefoil-headed lights,
4-centred head and 3-light window to NW with cinquefoiled heads to outer
lights and cusped ogee -arched head to central light and basket-arched head,
both with hood moulds and label steps. Many-moulded N door with hood mould
and label stops. S aisle has 2-light window to SE with cusped ogee-arched
heads to lights, and 3-light window to SW with cinquefoiled ogee-arched
heads to lights, both with segmental-arched heads, hood moulds and label
stops. 2-light W window with Perpendicular tracery, 4-centred head and hood
mould with label stops. Many-moulded S door with hood mould and label
stops, that to left a re-used shaft capital with interwining leaf
decoration. S porch has double hollow-chamfered doorway with hood mould,
crocketed pinnacles to angles and 1-light window to E & W with pointed
trefoil head. 3-stage truer has 2-light window to bottom stage W with
cinquefoiled ogee-arched heads to lights and quatrefoil to head, hood mould
and label stops. Niche to middle stage above with chamfer and hood mould.
2-light bell-chamber openings with tracery similar to that of W window and
hood moulds. Battlemented parapet with crocketed corner pinnacles. Base of
parapet has frieze with ball flower ornament, heads and animals. Diagonal
offset buttresses. Plain stone-coped parapets to body of church. Interior:
Chancel has chamfered piscina. 3-light window to SW, now internal, with
cinquefoiled heads to lights, 4-centred head and hood would. C19 arch-
braced collar truss roof on stone foliage corbels. Chancel arch has
polygonal responds with nailhead to capitals and double-chamfered arch.
Nave has 3-bay arcades with quatrefoil piers with semi-octagonal shafts,
polygonal responds, high moulded bases to clear pews, moulded capitals and
double-chamfered arches. Grotesque head corbels to C19 roof. S aisle has
chamfered ogee-arched piscina. Double-chamfered tower arch with polygonal
responds, that to left with inscription recording benefaction. Octagonal
font with 2-light blank tracery patterns to bowl and a date of 1606 carved
later to stem. C18 Commandment boards; oil on board. Royal Arms of George
II, oil on board, above chancel arch. Semi-circular panel above with
painted "inscription" FEAR GOD/HONOUM the KING. Buildings of England
Leicester 1984 p. 174
Listing NGR: SK7472731296
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Books and journals Pevsner, N, Williamson, E, The Buildings of England: Leicestershire and Rutland, (1984), 174
This building is listed under the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 as amended for its special architectural or historic interest.
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