TF 61 NE
The Old Hall at TF 660 171 II House, dated 1753, on older core with later additions. Carstone with some brick and dressed limestone, brick dressings, pantile roof. In several builds, 2 bays dated 1753 to centre, older single bay to left with C19 forward wing, 3 bays to right, all to 2 storeys. 3 bay range to right: galletted carstone rubble, dentil cornice, dressings of C17 brick, gable parapets; symmetrical facade with central doorway, fanlight with glazing bars, brick jambs rebuilt and 6 panelled door replaced after fire c.1970, recessed sashes with glazing bars, 4 x 4 panes, with flat arches; stacks to rear wall, shafts rebuilt. Right return possibly with raised gable, brick tumbling-in, ground floor sash as to front. Two bays with datestone 1753 set back to left, lower roof line, pantiles, some galletted carstone; sash with glazing bays to ground floor centre left, small inserted sash to right, first floor with 2 sashes with glazing bars. Bay to left with higher roof, forward wing and polygonal 2-storeyed porch in angle. C19 forward wing C19 of one bay, irregular carstone rubble with brick dressings, sawtooth brick cornice, pantiled hipped roof; recessed sashes with glazing bars to ground and first floor of front and return. Porch in angle an addition, flat roof with parapet, semi-circular headed doorway with fanlight, sash with glazing bars above, small openings with glazing bars to left and right. Rear: continuous lean-to under pantiles.
Interior: two large tie beams to ground floor of part dated 1753.
Attached to left front angle of forward wing to left a brick and carstone ha-ha with short length of wrought iron railings having ramped rail, narrow bars and incorporating curved gate.
Listing NGR: TF6606217112
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