(south side, off) 15/10000 Group of three limekilns
approximately 160 metres
south of The Cliff house II Limekilns. Mid-late 19th century. Structures in hand-made red brick,
partly earth-covered. Group of three kilns in the quarry bottom, set in the
chalk bedrock and rubble banks, partly faced in brick. The south-eastern
kiln (at TA 0695 2039), consists of a rectilinear structure approximately
11 metres long, 6 metres wide and 3 metres high, faced on the front (west)
side in brick. Within are a pair of brick-built open-topped kiln pots set
c. 1 metre apart and lined with firebrick, each c.4 metres deep and 4
metres diameter at the mouth, tapering to 1 metre at the base. A round-
headed draw-tunnel c. 5 metres long, 2 metres high at the mouth and
tapering slightly inwards, gives access to the kiln interior from the
centre of the west front. Its inner end is half-domed with a narrow
vertical ventilation flue above and single segmental-arched draw-holes into
the base of the kiln-pots on either side. Outside. to the north and south
sides of the kiln mound, are single round-arched tunnels, c. 2 metres high
and 2 metres long, also with half-domed inner ends, containing similar
single draw-holes. The kiln's draw-holes, c. 0.5 metres square, have a
recessed segmental arch set in an arched panel c. l metre square; both
these and the outer tunnel arches use bull-nosed bricks, Approximately 8
metres west, (at TA 0694 2038), in a bank separated from the first kiln by
a trackway, is a single-pot kiln with a brick-built open-topped pot of
similar dimensions to those in the first kiln, with an tapering round-
headed draw-tunnel c.2 metres high and 2 metres long entering from the
east. Approximately 20 metres north (at TA 0693 2040), is a similar
single-pot kiln with its tunnel facing south towards the other kilns. All
the kiln mounds were partlv obscured by vegetation at thetime of survey but
the structures are generally well-preserved; a fourth kiln. further. north
(the most recent) was destroyed in the late 1980s. The kilns were probablv
the continuous type, and form an interesting comparison with the smaller
earlier intermittent kilns in the neighbouring quarry to the east (QV).
Together, the kilns in these adjacent chalk quarries provide a good
illustration of developments in the scale and technology of the industry.
They are also notable as the only known examples of this type of kiln
surviving in Lincolnshire and Humberside, from the many that were known to
have been operating in the region last century.
Listing NGR: TA0695520388
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