(south side) 13/89 Nos 1 and 3 GV II Includes 2 small shops in Market Square opposite south end of
Market House. Offices and shops: C17, early to mid C19. Stone
plinth, Flemish bond brickwork front, rear rendered, tiled roof.
Three windows to Church Street, 4 rooms deep: 3-storey front, 2-
storey rear. To Church Street on left 4-pane wide sash window,
rubbed brick arch: below square grating to cellar. On right half-
glazed C20 door up 2 stone steps, moulded surround, flat,
projecting hood. Triple sash window wrapped round corner, flat
head. First floor windows as below, but in corner window upper
sashes 1 pane high: dummy window over door. Second floor sash left
and single sash on corner: sashes in both 1 pane high. Ridge
chimney on left gable, hip to corner. Market Square: in brick
section ground floor right sash window, cambered brick arch, 2-pane
sashes. Above narrow casement; second floor 2 two-light casements.
Ridge lower than to Church Street. To right L shaped rendered
section, 3-light mullion window in projecting section, splayed
corner, lean-to tiled roof. Set back late C20 flush door up one
step, under tiled lean-to roof across corner; C20 3-light mullioned
window to right. Above 3-light mullion on left, below half gable
against brick front, 2-light mullioned in set back on right, roof
parallel to street. Behind, in access yard at first floor level a
canted oriel window, ovolo-moulded.
Internally, first floor ceiling beams with large, hollow chamfer
and dragon beam. Timber-framed cross wall internally. A 3-storey
timber framed building, jettied on both upper floors, given new
brick front in early c19; rear probably timber-framed, rendered
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