(west side) TQ 3877 26/221 19.10.51 No. 14 including forecourt
TQ 3877 26/221A railings and gate II GV the description shall be amended to read as follows: House, early C18. Stock brown brick with red brick dressings and quoins, stuccoed basement.
2 storeys, attic and basement, the parapet and upper facade largely rebuilt above first-floor sill
band; tiled roof. Rectangular double-depth and five bay plan. Gauged flat brick arches to sash
windows with glazing bars in flush moulded frames. Door of 6 flat panels, with patterned
semi-circular fan-light (brought in) in wood doorcase with attached Doric columns, entablature
and open pediment. Rear facade also five bays with three-bay attics; the first floor with glazing
bar sashes under flat gauged arches and blind boxes, the ground floor stuccoed and with
projecting 3-light bay including door.
Interior. Staircase to right of entrance with early C19 stick baluster stair under elaborate plaster
ceiling of fruit (C18), set in surround of bulb decoration with cartouches and with anthemion
frieze cornice (early C19). Two massive cornice brackets. Other rooms with box cornices and
early C19 fireplaces. Victorian tiled kitchen. Attic with plank door and panelling inscribed 1783. To the north one-bay service range projects also one bay into forecourt. Of similar date, brown
brick and with glazing bar sashes in flush moulded frames under curved gauged heads. Blind end
windows to street. Door of 6 beaded panels under rectangular toplight under slightly
pedimented bracketed hood. Three storeys and basement staggered on half landing round early
C18 turned baluster stair that rises from ground to attic. Simple wooden panelling on stairs and
in basement hall. Basement doctors' dispensary indicative of the very many years this house was
in medical use.
C18 low stone-coped brick wall supports wrought iron railings with spearhead standards. Simple
wrought-iron gate with circular motif has overthrow with lampholder. ------------------------------------ 1.
(west side) TQ 3877 26/221 19.10.51 No. 14 induding forecourt
railings and gate II GV the description shall be amended to read as follows:
House, early C18. Stock brown brick with red brick dressings and quoins, stuccoed basement.
2 storeys, attic and basement, the parapet and upper facade largely rebuilt above first-floor sill
band; tiled roof Rectangular double-depth and five bay plan. Gauged flat brick arches to sash
windows with glazing bars in flush moulded frames. Door of 6 flat panels, with patterned
semi-circular fan-light (brought in) in wood doorcase with attached Doric columns, entablature
and open pediment. Rear facade also five bays with three-bay attics; the first floor with glazing
bar sashes under flat gauged arches and blind boxes, the ground floor stuccoed and with
projecting 3-light bay including door.
Interior. Staircase to right of entrance with early C19 stick baluster stair under elaborate plaster
ceiling of fruit (C18), set in surround of bulb decoration with cartouches and with anthemion
frieze cornice (early C19). Two massive cornice brackets. Other rooms with box cornices and
early C19 fireplaces. Kitchen extended into nineteenth century bay. Attic with plank door and
panelling inscribed 1783.
To the north one-bay service range projects also one bay into forecourt. Of similar date, brown
brick and with glazing bar sashes in flush moulded frames under curved gauged heads. Blind end
windows to street. Door of 6 beaded panels under rectangular toplight under slightly
pedimented bracketed hood. Five storeys staggered on half landings round early C18 turned
baluster stair that rises from ground to attic. Simple wooden panelling on stairs and in basement
hall. Ground-floor doctors' dispensary indicative of the very many years this house was in
medical use.
C18 low stone-coped brick wall supports wrought iron railings with spearhead standards. Simple
wrought-iron gate with circular motif has overthrow with lampholder. ------------------------------------ 1.
(West Side) 19.10.51 No 14 including
- Forecourt railings and gate
TQ 3877 26/221
TQ 5877 26/221A II GV 2.
Early C18 house of 2 storeys, attic and basement, 5 windows. High pitched, tiled
roof with 3 flat dormers. Brown brick with red brick dressings. Stuccoed basement.
Rebuilt parapet, and 1st floor largely rebuilt. Brick band at 1st floor. Gauged,
flat brick arches to sash windows with glazing bars in flush moulded frames.
Door of 6 flat panels, with patterned semi-circular fanliglt, in wood doorcase
with attached Doric columns, entablature and open pediment. Projecting wing
on North side of 3 storeys, one window. Brick, with parapet. Sash windows with
glazing bars in flush, moulded frames. Door of 6 beaded panels, with rectangular
fanlight, under slightly pedimented bracketed hood. Blocked windows in street
end. C18 low stone-coped brick wall supports wrought iron railings with spearhead
standards. Simple wrought iron gate has overthrow with lampholder. All the listed buildings on the West Side of Cromps Hill from Nos 6 to 46 (even)
and Nos 38 and 40 form a group.
Listing NGR: TQ3843377435
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