(west side)
6/33 Farmbuildings at Grove
Farm GV II Farmbuildings. Late C18 - early C19, with mid C19 horse mill and enclosed
foldyard. Brown brick, rendered and pebbledashed to north and west ranges.
Pantile roofs throughout. Approximately rectangular on plan: stockman's
house and stable/granary range to south side; adjoining threshing barn and
horse mill to north-west side, pigeon-house and cow-house range to south-
west and south sides, implement shed to east side, enclosed foldyard within.
North range, south side: 2-storey, single-window stockman's house with lower
2-storey stable/granary range to west with 3 first-floor openings. House
has board door with 12-pane sliding sash to right, single similar first-
floor window beneath lintel at eaves level, dentilled brick eaves cornice;
stone-coped gable with shaped kneelers, end stacks. Single 4-pane first-
floor casement to right gable end. Adjoining range has 4 board doors and a
pair of hatches to left, small sliding sash to right; small wooden hatches
to first floor. Stepped eaves. North side: stable/granary range has board
door, blocked door and single ventilation hatch to ground floor, series of
small breather slits at first-floor level, pair of first-floor hatches with
board doors. Threshing barn: west side has partly blocked original waggon
entrance beneath timber lintel, with inserted lintel and pair of board doors
below, 3 breather slits to left; north gable end has external brick
staircase with stone treads to first-floor 2-fold board door, stone-coped
gable with shaped kneelers; first-floor hatch to south gable end; waggon
entrance to east courtyard with board doors beneath timber lintel. Horse
mill adjoining to west, rectangular on plan, has pairs of openings to each
side, hipped roof. Single-storey cow-house range with 2-storey
granary/pigeoncote to east: single board hatches and sliding doors to south
and west sides of cow house range; pigeoncote has pair of breathers at
first-floor level, dentilled brick eaves cornice, brick-coped gables and
pair of pigeon-holes to east gable. 11-bay implement shed with timber
piers. Triple-span hipped roof to foldyard. Originally the home farm
attached to Sandtoft Hall (qv), formerly known as Sandtoft Grove. Probably
the earliest and most complete example in South Humberside of a mid C19
model farm with horse mill and enclosed foldyard.
Listing NGR: SE7419507592
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