(east side, off) 19/97 Stable/coach-house range
and north courtyard
gateway adjoining north-
west side of Scawby Hall
(formerly listed as
Scawby Hall) GV II Stable/coach-house with granary over, incorporating former entrance porch to
south, with courtyard gateway adjoining to north. Porch dated 1686,
remainder of range late C18 with C19 - early C20 alterations and additions.
Coursed limestone rubble with brick dressings-and stacks; brick to C17
section. Pantile roofs throughout. Rectangular on plan, with south porch
section facing Hall (qv); forms west side of north courtyard to rear of
Hall, with gateway adjoining at right angles to north end. Main range, east
front: 2 storeys, 17 first-floor openings. 6 first-floor openings to
stable/granary to left of centre, with later 10-bay coach-house/cart-shed to
right and single-window section to left with lower 2-storey C17 section set
back to left gable end. Quoins to limestone sections. Coach-house section
to right: 10 elliptical rubbed-brick arches with raised ashlar keystones and
imposts on brick piers: 4 arches to left with pairs of board doors with
strap hinges, 3 arches to centre open, 2 to right blocked, with 6-pane
casement and 12-pane sliding sash beneath segmental arches; open arch at
right end to through-passage. Stable range to left: 3 board doors flanked
by 2-light and 3-light sliding sashes beneath segmental arches; 2 external
flights of steps to first-floor entrances. To left, steps up to board door
with 2-light sliding sash to left beneath flat arches, steps down to cellar
door beneath segmental arch. First floor: single louvred hatches above
carriage arches, with 2 unequal 9-pane sashes to left; board doors and 12-
pane sliding sashes to stable/granary. Stepped and cogged brick eaves
cornice. Tumbled-in brick to gables. Pair of axial stacks and early C20
lateral stack to left. North courtyard wall adjoining to right has wide
rubbed-brick elliptical arch with ashlar imposts, C20 sliding doors, pantile
coping. Projecting C17 gabled section to left return has blocked ground-
floor 4-centred arch doorway with chamfered brick imposts containing blocked
segmental-arched window, 2-course brick first-floor band, stucco quoins to
first floor, recessed 2-light brick cavetto-mullioned window in stucco
surround with later slatted shutters, corbelled 2-course brick band, 3-
course brick coping to gable with corbelled kneelers and small central
inscribed datestone. West side of range, facing garden, has pair of small
6-pane casements to C17 section, 2-light and 3-light sliding sashes with
glazing bars beneath segmental arches, unequal 9-pane sashes, boarded and
louvred hatches, single ground and first-floor 6-panel doors, elliptical
arch to left; stepped and cogged brick eaves cornice. Drawing by C Nattes,
1795, Banks Collection, Lincoln City Library; photographs in NMR.
Listing NGR: SE9685905738
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