TA 0339 (west side)
No 52 (The Old Vicarage)
Parts of structure mediaeval, 1703 and early C19. Front to Eastgate early C19,
2 storeys in white brick. 3 blank windows to 1st floor, and 2 to ground floor,
all with stone arched heads, keystones carved with feather motif. Doorway has
wood jambs, reeded, with paterae, 6-panelled door, fanlight. Door in screen
wall to yard surmounted by a canted blocking course, with anthemion enrichments,
over a light cornice all in stone. Slate roof. Front to south, facing Minster
Yard; a symmetrical composition with a tall early C19 block at the Eastgate end,
in white brick with one large triple window upstairs and down, simple cornice
and slate roof and details as above. From this pavilion westward a long low
wing refaced in white brick in early C19 with 4 windows at 1st floor, and 1
triple window and a mid C19 Gothic bay in stone to ground floor, also a single
window and a glazed door. Wood eaves spouting, 3 gabled dormers to gabled pan-
tile roof. Further west in red brick is a 1-storey lower wing with 2 large
windows, wood eaves gutter and pantile roof. Staircase has closed string, large
turned balusters (landing has spiral twisted balusters), plain newels with
finials and drop finials, and simply moulded handrail. One ground floor room
has fielded panelling to dado height: chimney piece with moulded architrave,
pulvinated frieze, and moulded mantel shelf: fielded panel and box cornice over.
4 linenfold panels said to have been brought from Old Suffolk Place in Hull.
Listing NGR: TA0377839318
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