TL 31 NW
4/108 Sacombebury Farm House
20.10.52 and attached Farm Buildings
(formerly listed as
- II House. Early C18, altered and extended in early C19. Red brick. Steeply
pitched tiled roof. 5 bays. 2 storeys and attic with cellar to right.
Central entrance, 2/3 glazed 6 panelled door recessed in C19 gabled
porch, outer Tudor arch, shaped kneelers to coped parapet. 16 pane C19
glazing bar sashes, recessed with cambered heads, blocked on first floor
to left of centre. Continuous plat band. Boxed eaves. 3 gabled dormers
with 2 light casements, that to centre larger. Gable end parapets with
kneelers. Internal end stacks, to left an external stack added. Right
gable end has cellar, 2 ground floor recessed windows opening onto early
C19 cast iron balconies. To rear: 2 first floor tall 2 light casements
flank a C19 white brick 2 storey lean-to which has flanking I storey
lean-tos. Three 2 light gabled dormers. Attached to left end is early
C19 stock brick kitchen and cartshed addition. 1 storey and loft.
Kitchen has 3 small 16 pane recessed sashes with cambered heads. Ridge
stack. To left 2 light casements flank C20 garage doors. Dentilled brick
eaves. Roof hipped to left. Plum brick to rear or yard, 3 small 16 pane
sashes, 2 doors to garages, a gabled dormer, loft opening to right with
a raking head. Left return from front is a long stable and storage
range, probably C19, English bond red brick. 7 gauged brick pitching
eyes, scattered casements, a plank door with a cambered head. Hipped
roof with a loft opening to rear. 4 gauged brick pitching eyes to yard.
2 bays nearer house project slightly into yard with steps up to a plank
door. To right 3 doors, 3 louvred openings and a loft opening with a
raking head. Extending to rear right from house is a low C19 red brick
range. 5 bay outer elevation, with steps up to a central entrance,
flanking cross casements with a glazing bar sash nearest house, recessed
with cambered heads. Dentilled brick eaves. To yard 3 doors, a sash and
a casement all with cambered heads. This range serves as a link to barn
which completes U shaped range of buildings. C.17. Timber frame on brick
base. Weatherboarded. Steeply pitched machine tiled roof. 5 bays.
Central gabled midstrey to yard with stable lean-to addition to right
with 2 doors and small casements, door opposite midstrey. Interior:
jowled posts with later braces to tie beams, angled queen struts clasp
lower purlins, collars clasp upper purlins, a curved windbrace, passing
tension braces in walling.
Listing NGR: TL3360318968
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