SP 0632-0732
(north side)
13/101 The Old School House
Former school and school master's house. Third quarter C19.
Coursed, squared stone, ashlar dressings, clay tile roof. Three-
bay cross wing (former school), 2-bay house with rear wing, all 1 1/2
storeys. To road: 3-light mullioned window on left, slit window,
half-glazed door up one stone step, low, 2-centred arch over.
Above wall carried up into 2 dormers, 2-light mullioned windows,
parapet gables, ridge roll. Parapet gable on left, ashlar ridge
chimney, moulded cap; similar, smaller chimney to right of front
door. To right, projecting gable of schoolroom; tall, 3-light
mullioned window, 2 transoms, leaded lights: hoodmould stepped up
over plain shield over centre light: relieving arch. Slit window
above. Parapet gable, projecting kneelers, cross-gablet apex with
stone finial. Dormer, as front, on right return. Probably
National School, dated 1857 by V.C.H., 1870 by Kelly's Directory.
(Kelly's Gloucestershire Directory, 1894; V.C.H. Gloucestershire,
Listing NGR: SP0675232082
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Books and journals Page, W, The Victoria History of the County of Gloucester, (1965) 'Kellys Directory' in Gloucestershire, (1894)
This building is listed under the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 as amended for its special architectural or historic interest.
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