SP 0634-0734
(north side)
11/70 Nos 1 - 4 (consecutive)
(previously partly listed as
4.7.60 Nos 2 - 4 consecutive)
Terrace of 4 cottages, in 2 sections. Possibly late C17, early
C20. Well-squared, coursed stone to Nos 1 and 2, roughly-squared,
coursed stone Nos 3 and 4, stone slate roof. Long U plan, 6-unit
wide front, wide archway second bay on left, 2 rooms deep, except
bays 2 and 3, 1 1/2 storeys. On left, boarded door, Tudor arch,
hoodmould: 3-light mullioned window, hoodmould. Above 2-light
mullion window with hoodmould, in gabled dormer with parapet. Wide
archway, timber lintel just below eaves. Half-glazed door up brick
step, deep stone lintel: 3-light mullioned window, 3-light
casement over. Parapet gable left end, ridge chimney to left of
archway, and at right end. To right, ground floor 3-light
mullioned window, hoodmould; half-glazed door up one stone step,
deep stone lintel. Three-light mullioned window with hoodmould,
boarded door up 2 stone steps, timber lintel. Above wall carried
up into dormers, 2-light mullioned windows, left with hoodmould and
parapet gable, right moulded string course, hipped roof. To right,
3-light mullioned window, 2-light above, both with hoodmoulds,
parapet gable, roll ridge. Roof higher than in Nos 1 and 2; ridge
chimneys centre and right end. On right further, plain gable, with
parapet, arched recess at foot for water tap, chamfered arris on
right running out top and bottom.
Listing NGR: SP0683034267
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