SP 03 NE
2/2 Little Buckland
Former farmhouse, now house. Said to be 1720, altered C19, C20.
Coursed, squared stone, stone slate roof. U plan, wings and centre
2 rooms each, 1 room deep, centre later infilled, 2 1/2 storeys.
Garden front, flat; plinth; door slightly right of centre, half-
glazed with 4 octagonal panes: timber lintel. To right 2-light
wooden mullion and transom window, flat hood, stone voussoirs;
blocked opening to right, stone voussoirs. To left of door 3-light
wooden mullion and transom with timber lintel encroaching on half
blocked opening to left with stone voussoirs. To left 3-light mid
C20 metal window, concrete lintel. First floor, three 2-light
wooden casement windows, iron opening lights, flat heads, stone
voussoirs: to right 2-light mid C20 metal casement. Above, gable
ends to cross wings each end, parapet gables, cross gablet saddles;
right gable 2-light casements, stone voussoirs, left 3-light mid
C20 metal casement, voussoirs for original, narrower window. Tall,
ashlar chimneys rise from inner base of both gables, moulded string
course and cap. Between gables 2 hipped dormers, 2-light
casements. On left return 2 stone gables, one with chimney on
ridge, moulded cap. On left end of garden front projecting mid C20
wing; 5-light metal casement, concrete lintel, ground floor, 4-
light metal mullion and transom above, parapet gable.
Interior: centre room garden front chequerboard stone paving,
wide fireplace, timber lintel, 6-panelled doors, brass latches. On
left eared pine fireplace surround with moulded edge to shelf
surround moved from elsewhere in house: small cupboard recess in
wall on right. On right early C19 panelled shutters. First floor
left exposed timber post, 'EM / IR / 17.. / RS' painted on it. Two
original boarded doors in attics; collar and tie-beam trusses, one
pair purlins, no ridge member.
Listing NGR: SP0725036639
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