SU 72 NE
Lyss Place (formerly
16.3.54 listed as 'Liss Place
II House on a monastic site, the C14 remains of a refectory (a narrow block)
being attached, at one corner, to a later square block. C14, and early
C19. The older unit has walls of rubble malmstone with sandstone and brick
quoins, with changed sections of brickwork in header bond, with Dutch flat
arches, stone cills, stone stepped buttresses at the south end. The main
block has brickwork in header bond, Dutch flat arches, stone cills, plinth.
Steep tile roof to the old part, hipped at the north end, low pitched hipped
slate roof to the later unit. South-east symmetrical front of 2 storeys,
3 windows, 16-light sashes, wide doorway with ½-glazed double doors beneath
a decorative fanlight, within an open porch, having a doric style order
with coupled plain colums, the other elevations have similar features, with
irregular fenestration (a staircase window on the north-west side). The
medieval part is 2-storeyed with irregular fenestration, 2 original (now
blocked) windows, upper sashes and ground floor casements, 2 plain doorways,
and a French door of the C19 style. Interior: the main block has late
Regency features, including a curving staircase. Attached to the south
end is a small rectangular stable (early C19) with hipped tile roof, brick
walls and 2 plain doorways.
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