(South Side) 8/61 Langtons (formerly listed
5.12.55 as Langton House)
II* House. circa 1760, early & late C19. Brick and rendered walls, tile roof.
Symmetrical front (north) of 3 storeys, 2.1.2-windows, with later forward-
projecting single-storeyed wings (the east side a screen, the west a service
block). Brick walling in blue headers with red flush dressings; the openings
being within vertical flush panels, rubbed flat arches, 1st and 2nd floor
bands, plinth. Stone features including coping to parapet, moulded cornice
with small modillions, cills, and keystone to the central 1st floor Venetian
light. Sashes in reveals. Doric doorcase, with open pediment, cornice broken
above double fluted pilasters (separated by narrow windows), 3 triglyphs,
arched opening with keystone, radiating fanlight, 6-panelled door above stone
steps. The wings are symmetrical of 3 bays (the central wider), rendered, with
parapet, cornice, plain pilasters and high plinth; the west side has 3 sash
windows, the east a trellis infilling between square columns. The plain rear
elevation (of 5 irregular windows) has a hipped tile roof, brick dentil eaves,
rendered walling, 1st and 2nd floor bands, sashes in reveals (deep to the
ground floor): on each side a large single-storeyed slightly projecting wing,
with a Venetian opening to French doors. The interior has some early details,
with marble fireplaces, plaster ceiling cornices, and doors.
Listing NGR: SU5894132672
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