(east side), Hennock Lake's Cottage
10/130 (formerly listed as Lakes Farmhouse)
- and Old Slade Cottage
Pair of cottages, formerly a farmhouse. C16 or possibly earlier; later additions
to right and at rear. Parts of the building have been rebuilt after a fire in C20.
Rendered, solid walls. Asbestos-slated roofs, previously thatched. On ridge, off-
centre to right, a granite ashlar chimneystack (heating former hall) with thatch
weatherings and tapered crenellated top. In front wall, off-centre to left, a
projecting chimneystack (probably heating the former parlour) with offsets and a
later rendered brick shaft. Another rendered stack, probably C19, stands on the
ridge in left-hand gable. Basically a 3-room and through-passage plan, probably
extended at left-hand end. 2 storeys, with single-storeyed garage block to right.
5-window front. In second bay from the right is a 2-storeyed entrance-porch,
probably timber-framed. The ground storey is open, supported at the front by 2 C20
wooden posts. Front door at rear of porch is C20, but set in a late C16 or early
Cl7 chamfered wood frame with hollow outer moulding; straight-headed except for a
small cranked arch in the centre. Upper storey has a 3-light wood casement window
with 3 panes per light : C20 imitation timber-framed gable, formerly hipped. In
left-hand bay of ground storey a C20 door (serving Old Slade Cottage) with a single-
storey gabled porch of similar date. To left of the 2-storeyed entrance porch in
ground storey is a 4-pane wood casement window; to left of that again are 2 further
wood casement windows of different sizes, each of 2 lights with 3 panes per light.
To right of porch is a similar 3-light window, but with a single sheet of glass and
top-hung ventilator in centre light. In the second storey the 3 windows to the left
of the porch have 2-light wood casements, each light with 3 panes. To right of
porch is a C20 3-light wood casement window with transom window in centre light. In
front of the cottages is a garden surrounded by a low roughcast stone wall with a
good simple iron gate at the southern end; the garden path of Lake's Cottage,
together with the area under and to the right of the porch, has a surface of large
granite cobbles. The garden wall, gate and cobbled surface are included in the
Interior: hall, passage and lower room are comprised in Lake's Cottage (to right).
Hall has chamfered centre beam and 2 half-beams with step-stops; joists also
chamfered with step-stops. Fireplace, which backs on to through-passage, has wood
lintel with multiple mouldings, possibly of mid C16. Owner says there is a newel
stair, now blocked in, between the stack and the front wall. At upper end of hall
is a complete stud-and-panel screen with chamfered studs having diagonal-cut stops;
believed by owner to have been moved from lower side of through-passage. In second
storey the lower parts of 2 side pegged jointed cruck trusses are exposed, the upper
sides of the purlins chamfered with run out stops. Apex of roof not inspected.
None of the interior of Old Slade Cottage (the parlour end) was inspected, except
for the right-hand ground storey room (seen through window), which has a chamfered
beam and exposed joists. The reverse of the hall screen, already described, is
concealed by plastered concrete blocks.
Source: 2 photographs in National Monuments Record.
Listing NGR: SX8305980896
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