In the entry for BRAMPFORD SPEKE No.s 1 and 2
SX 99 NW
3/12 Pynes Cottage
GV II the address shall be amended to read Pynes Cottage
and the description shall be amended to read Two cottages, now one. Possibly some C16 fabric, Cl7 with C18 and C19 modifications.
Cob, rendered, on stone plinth, thatched roof, some slate on outshut at back,
left. The building seems to have been a through-passage plan with probably 2
rooms to right and one to the left; later the left half was rebuilt, probably
late C18, with increased ceiling heights. Central room or hall with lateral stack,
original position of staircase uncertain. Two storeys, 5 windows: left half has
at ground floor a late C19 sash each side of a central doorway with panelled reveals,
and at first floor 3 large 2-light paned casements with transomes, in eyebrows.
Right half has a 3-light casement and plank door with set-in glazed light beneath
one 32-pane and one 24-pane cast iron casements. Two small brick stacks to gables,
and larger stack to back eaves. Back has swept down roof at left and slated outshut
to right.
Interior: left half has panelled reveals to ground floor windows, and fireplace
with Thorverton Stone jambs to wood bressumer to scroll stops; right half has deep
fireplace in Thorverton Stone, and wood bressumer, with two ovens. Toleft of
fireplace is chamfered beam, possibly of C16 (information from Rev. Peter Beacham);
spiral wood stair in corner of this main room. The early beam is positioned beside
the probable throughway, but the arrangement internally is not clear. Roof partly
inspected, principals partly exposed, detached from wall, and indicating an C18
heightening. ------------------------------------ BRAMPFORD SPEKE
SX 99 NW
3/12 Nos. 1 and 2 Pynes Cottage
2 cottages. C17 with C18 alterations. Cob, rendered, on stone plinth, under
gabled-end and thatch roof, the ridge of No.1 being slightly higher than that of
No.2. Left-hand external end-stack and a lateral back-stack. 2 storeys. No.1
(left-hand cottage) with central doorway with panelled reveals; one window to each
side with late-C19 sashes. 3 windows above, with large early-C19 2-light casements
with rectangular top light under eyebrow eaves. The 2 1st-floor windows of No.2
(to right), lintels at eaves level, retains their C18, 32-leaded pane casements.
Rear of each with later lean-to structures. Interior of No.1 (No.2 not inspected):
early-C19 panelling to window reveals. Left-hand room, fireplace with Thorverton
stone jambs and wooden lintel, chamfered with scroll stops. Roof principals partly
exposed and detached from wall indicated C18 heightening.
Listing NGR: SX9263698538
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