SY 19 NW 7/153 Part Drillers, Webbers Cottage,
Sanders Cottage, Nos. 1 and 2
22.2.55 Drillers
GV II 5 adjoining estate cottages. Circa mid C17 or earlier in origin, considerable C20
renovation. Colourwashed and rendered (except for No. 2 Drillers which is cement
rendered and blocked out), probably flint rubble; thatched roof with plain ridge,
half-hipped at ends of wings; 2 axial stacks and a rear lateral stack to the main
range, axial stacks to wings, corner stack to south west wing.
Plan: Overall U plan, the main range faces south and contains (left to right)
Webbers, Sanders and No 2 Drillers. South wings at right angles at each end contain
Part Drillers (south-west), formerly 2 cottages, and No. 1 Drillers (south-east).
Rear wing to Sanders. If is difficult to judge whether the building originated as
one house or a row of cottages. Interiors inspected at time of survey (1988) were
plain with no obvious C17 carpentry detail except for Webbers, good features in the
other cottages may be concealed behind modern plaster. No. 1 Drillers is of 2
builds, the south end with a lower roofline.
Exterior: Long 2-storey. range. Asymmetrical 6 window south elevation with 1 window
to the south end of each wing. Windows mostly C19 or C20 2- and 3-light timber
casements with glazing bars. Webbers, to the left of the main range, has a C19 or
C20 panelled door to the right and 1 first floor and 1 ground floor window. Sanders,
in the centre, has a C19 panelled door to the left and 2 first floor and 2 ground
floor windows. No. 2 Drillers, to the right, has a central C20 gabled weatherboarded
porch, a C19 panelled door flanked by windows, 3 first floor windows. No. 1
Drillers, in the south east wing, has a gabled C20 porch on the inner (west) return,
2 first floor and 2 ground floor windows to the left, and 1 2-light ground floor
window to the right, which is a separate block with a lower roofline. The inner
(east) return of Part Drillers, in the south east wing has 1 ground floor casement.
The outer (west) return of Part Drillers has a C20 plank door to the right with a
porch hood and 2 first an 2 ground floor C20 casements to the left.
Interior: Webbers and No. 2 Drillers inspected. No. 2 Drillers has a boxed in axial
beam. Part Drillers is said to be modernized internally, Sanders is said to be
plain. It is possible that earlier features are concealed by wall plaster. Webbers
has a chamfered stopped crossbeam and a winder stair adjacent to the stack.
Roof: Webbers has one side-pegged jointed cruck truss with a lap-dovetailed collar,
probably circa mid C17. On the first floor the partition wall with Sanders is stud
with cob infill. The adjacent truss in Webbers is an 'A' frame with a nailed collar,
probably replacing a cruck truss.
A very attractive row in the centre of an exceptionally well-preserved village of
traditional houses.
Listing NGR: SY1338798442
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