SO 24 SE DORSTONE CP B 4348 (north side)
The Bage 5/126 Bage Pool (formerly listed
as Whitehouse Farmhouse) 29/9/52
Shown on OS as Whitehouse Farm, Bach.
Farmhouse. Mid-C16 with later alterations and additions. Rubble, and
timber-frame with wattle-and-daub infill, stone slate roof. L-plan, hall
range extending west, cross-wing north; with C18 cider house at a slight
angle to west end of hall range; hall originally framed, cross-wing of
rubble; stack to west end of hall range with staircase on north side,
door on south; and stack to north end of cross-wing with sprial staircase
on west side, blocked entrance on east side both stacks with 2 diamond
shafts. South front: 2 storeys, with attic to cross-wing at right.
Hall range: 4 irregular sized windows, all 4-pane boxed sashes, C17 stack
between 2 to right; ground floor: 3-light casement to left, roughly central
angled bay window of 1:2:1 glazing bar sashes with hipped slate roof; cross-
wing: 4-pane boxed sash to attic, 12-pane boxed sash to first floor, C20
ground floor French window. Straight joint between rubble wall and rubble
of stack to left end of hall range. C18 cider house of 2 storeys with two
2-light casements under segmental heads to each floor, entrance to right
with segmental head. North wall has exposed timber-framing to first floor,
2 square panels high, formerly jettied over ground floor, partially under-
built in late C19 brick; lean-to timber structure probably late C16, contain-
ing C19 dairy. Interior: 2 rooms of hall range divided by timber-framed
partition, room to west probably kitchen originally. First floor divided by
stud-and-plank partitions with their own top-plates, independent of ceiling
beams, probably reset. Roof trusses have tie-beam and 2 trenched purlins,
arranged in 5 bays over hall range (excluding chimney stack). (RCHM 1, p 57, no 15).
Listing NGR: SO2982843278
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Books and journals Inventory of Herefordshire I South West, (1931), 57
This building is listed under the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 as amended for its special architectural or historic interest.
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