SS 81 NW
5/61 East Essebeer Farmhouse
- II
Farmhouse. C16, C18 addition and refenestration. Rubble and cob core, rendered
and whitewashed, thatched roof with brick chimneyshafts.
Plan and interpretation: 3-unit and through-passage house, central hall with front
lateral stack and integral hall bay; unheated inner room to the left, no evidence of
a stack, through-passage removed and lower end rebuilt C18 when the staircase,
original position unknown, was placed beyond the lower room in a new entrance hall,
further C18 room built beyond this entrance hall, C18 lean-to along rear elevation
of the building. Whole building reroofed C18.
Exterior: 2 storeys, 3 bays, 2 and 3-light casements with close-set glazing bars, 4
of these are probably C18, 2 replaced in the C20 with casements in a conforming
style, further triple-light sash window to extreme right on the ground floor,
glazing bars. Door opening to right into the C18 stair-hall. C20 glazed door.
Interior: hall with narrow fireplace with an unchamfered bressumer, axial ceiling
beam without chamfer and stops. Inner room with ceiling, ceiling beard not visible.
Lower room rebuilt with an axial ceiling beam, again without a chamfer and stop;
small offset fireplace to the gable wall, unchamfered wooden bressumer. C18
entrance hall with simple dog-leg staircase, ramped toadsback handrail, stick
balusters with a large square newel. First floor with a C18 door with fielded
panels. Roof all replaced with simple collar beam trusses in the C18, mortised
ridge, 2 rows of purlins; rafters of an earlier roof have-been reused, but no
trusses visible so it is impossible to date former structure.
Listing NGR: SS8092315716
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